Post by Ron Pinkas2024-01-18 17:53 UTC-0500 Ron Pinkas <ronpinkas/AT/gmail/com>
* winmake/find_bc.bat
* winmake/find_clng.bat
* winmake/find_pc.bat
* winmake/find_vc.bat
* Refinment - enclose CC_LONG_NAME in quotes to avoid issues with spaces in name
For your convenience xHarbour's bin directory was added to your PATH.
Impossibile trovare l'etichetta batch specificata - SET_CC_CNAME64
Make Utility for Borland C/C++
Borland C/C++ not found.
Please install and try again.
*** START [E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\make_bc.bat](all)
*** started [E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\winmake\find_bc.bat]
*** started(bcc32c Borland C/C++)
*** Raw Arguments: (toAbsPath E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\winmake\.. HB_INSTALL)
*** Raw Arguments: [toAbsPath] [E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\winmake\..]
[HB_INSTALL] [] []
*** Parsed [2] :toAbsPath(
E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\winmake\..=\FW\xHarbourOLD\winmake\.. HB_INSTALL= )
+++ Entry point: toAbsPath('E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\winmake\..'
:toAbsPath(E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\winmake\.. HB_INSTALL)
:value(E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\winmake\.. _varOrRelPath)
_varOrRelPath = E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\winmake\..
_absPath = E:\FW\xHarbourOLD
--- Exit point: toAbsPath E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\winmake\.. HB_INSTALL
*** Ret: 0 0
*** Raw Arguments: (isPathInPath HB_BIN_INSTALL _inPath)
*** Raw Arguments: [isPathInPath] [HB_BIN_INSTALL] [_inPath] [] []
*** Parsed [2] :isPathInPath( HB_BIN_INSTALL=E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin
_inPath= )
+++ Entry point: isPathInPath('HB_BIN_INSTALL' '_inPath')(2)
:isPathInPath(HB_BIN_INSTALL _inPath)
:value(HB_BIN_INSTALL pathToFind)
Comparing: 'C:\Windows\system32' with 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin'
Comparing: 'C:\Windows' with 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin'
Comparing: 'C:\Windows\System32\Wbem' with 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin'
Comparing: 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\' with
Comparing: 'C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\' with 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin'
Comparing: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common' with
Comparing: 'E:\UTL' with 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin'
Comparing: '' with 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin'
Comparing: '%SystemRoot%\system32' with 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin'
Comparing: '%SystemRoot%' with 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin'
Comparing: '%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem' with 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin'
Comparing: '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\' with
Comparing: '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\OpenSSH\' with 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin'
Comparing: 'C:\Users\Enrico
MariaGiordano\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps' with
Comparing: '' with 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin'
Path 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin' NOT found in
Files (x86)\NVIDIA
--- Exit point: isPathInPath HB_BIN_INSTALL _inPath
*** Ret: 0 0
Adding xHarbour's bin directory 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin' to
Files (x86)\NVIDIA
Checking if 'bcc32c' under 'e:\fw\temp\bcc64\bcc' is in the path
*** Raw Arguments: (rootOfAppInPath CC _wherePath)
*** Raw Arguments: [rootOfAppInPath] [CC] [_wherePath] [] []
*** Parsed [2] :rootOfAppInPath( CC=bcc32c _wherePath= )
+++ Entry point: rootOfAppInPath('CC' '_wherePath')(2)
:rootOfAppInPath(CC _wherePath)
:value(CC app)
--- Exit point: rootOfAppInPath CC _wherePath
*** Ret: 1 1
*** ended[1] [E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\winmake\found_cc.bat]
*** started(bcc32 Borland C/C++)
*** Raw Arguments: (isPathInPath HB_BIN_INSTALL _inPath)
*** Raw Arguments: [isPathInPath] [HB_BIN_INSTALL] [_inPath] [] []
*** Parsed [2] :isPathInPath( HB_BIN_INSTALL=E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin
_inPath=false )
+++ Entry point: isPathInPath('HB_BIN_INSTALL' '_inPath')(2)
:isPathInPath(HB_BIN_INSTALL _inPath)
:value(HB_BIN_INSTALL pathToFind)
Comparing: 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin' with 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin'
Path 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin' found in
Files (x86)\NVIDIA
--- Exit point: isPathInPath HB_BIN_INSTALL _inPath
*** Ret: 0 0
Checking if 'bcc32' under 'e:\fw\temp\bcc64\bcc' is in the path
*** Raw Arguments: (rootOfAppInPath CC _wherePath)
*** Raw Arguments: [rootOfAppInPath] [CC] [_wherePath] [] []
*** Parsed [2] :rootOfAppInPath( CC=bcc32 _wherePath= )
+++ Entry point: rootOfAppInPath('CC' '_wherePath')(2)
:rootOfAppInPath(CC _wherePath)
:value(CC app)
--- Exit point: rootOfAppInPath CC _wherePath
*** Ret: 1 1
*** ended[1] [E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\winmake\found_cc.bat]
*** started(bcc64 Borland C/C++)
*** Raw Arguments: (isPathInPath HB_BIN_INSTALL _inPath)
*** Raw Arguments: [isPathInPath] [HB_BIN_INSTALL] [_inPath] [] []
*** Parsed [2] :isPathInPath( HB_BIN_INSTALL=E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin
_inPath=true )
+++ Entry point: isPathInPath('HB_BIN_INSTALL' '_inPath')(2)
:isPathInPath(HB_BIN_INSTALL _inPath)
:value(HB_BIN_INSTALL pathToFind)
Comparing: 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin' with 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin'
Path 'E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\bin' found in
Files (x86)\NVIDIA
--- Exit point: isPathInPath HB_BIN_INSTALL _inPath
*** Ret: 0 0
Checking if 'bcc64' under 'e:\fw\temp\bcc64\bcc' is in the path
*** Raw Arguments: (rootOfAppInPath CC _wherePath)
*** Raw Arguments: [rootOfAppInPath] [CC] [_wherePath] [] []
*** Parsed [2] :rootOfAppInPath( CC=bcc64 _wherePath= )
+++ Entry point: rootOfAppInPath('CC' '_wherePath')(2)
:rootOfAppInPath(CC _wherePath)
:value(CC app)
--- Exit point: rootOfAppInPath CC _wherePath
*** Ret: 1 1
*** ended[1] [E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\winmake\found_cc.bat]
:CHECK_CC_DIR Checking if Borland C/C++ is in 'e:\fw\temp\bcc64\bcc'...
*** END[0] [E:\FW\xHarbourOLD\make_bc.bat]
Enrico Maria Giordano